Is it halal to invest in Amazon?|Given the above information, we at Ratings Intelligence believe that as per the Shariah screening criteria.Amazon Inc. is a Shariah compliant company
Could you please elaborate on whether investing in Amazon is considered halal? I understand from the information provided by Ratings Intelligence that Amazon Inc. is considered a Shariah-compliant company. However, I'd like to have a deeper understanding of how this conclusion is reached, particularly in terms of the Shariah screening criteria. Could you please explain the specific aspects of Amazon's operations and policies that align with Shariah principles? Additionally, are there any potential risks or concerns related to investing in Amazon from a Shariah perspective that investors should be aware of? Thank you for your clarification.
Is Microsoft a halal stock?|Source: All the above information is based on the website of the company and Annual financial report for June 2020. Conclusion: Given the above information, we believe .MICROSOFT CORPORATION is a Shariah Compliant company as per the Shariah screening criteria
Could you please elaborate on the determination that Microsoft is a Shariah Compliant company? How does the company's website and the June 2020 Annual financial report support this conclusion? Are there specific aspects of Microsoft's business operations or financial statements that align with Shariah principles? Could you also provide a brief overview of what Shariah screening criteria typically involve and how they are applied in assessing the halal status of stocks?